So,I was watching NBC news last night,and I couldn't help but laugh at these lunatic Muslims,up in arms over a stupid cartoon (see above).
Islam is allegedly a religion of peace,but you wouldn't know that by their reaction to a cartoon.Islamic militants stormed an EU building,demanding an apology,backed with threats of future bombings and even boycotts.
I found this website http://face-of-muhammed.blogspot.com/
Now,I don't agree with this guy 100%,but he does make some very good points.
christians would probably react the same way if it was done to one of their icons... unfortunately, religion has a tendency to shut off peoples brains.
Jesus/GOD have been caricatured since centuries without fear of a new war ; that's called tolerance ! fuck the integrists who don't even know the CORAN ; the whallabits have appropiated the Coran's for their own interests : who here knows that a muslim can drink alcool ? who knows a woman don't have to be covered ? nobody because the whallabits - a minority tribal - have deceide it must be this way ! kick their asses and the whole muslim world will be free !
haha love the way you've captured their reaction
yer gonna get yer hands and feet chopped off for this article by those oh so tolerant god fearing muslem twats, what a bunch of cunts, fuck em off back to their own uncivilised shit hole.
great site keep up the good work,1 of the best around .
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